

Die Flag Boshielodam (voorheen die Arabiedam) is 'n dam in die Olifantsrivier, naby Marble HallLimpopo in Suid-Afrika. Dit is in 1987 gebou, hoofsaaklik vir die besproeiing van gewasse. Die dam is 1 225 meter lank en kan 185 100 000 m³ water opgaar. Die damwal is 36 meter hoog.

Botshabelo Mission Station

The Botshabelo Mission Station was originally a place of refuge for Christians in South Africa and grew into an important and rather influential centre where the Gospel was widely proclaimed among the black people. It became a place where both black and white people received education and training and even ... more information

Lanatus Cycad

The beautiful Lanatus Cycad can be found in the Cultural Heartland of Mpumalanga, South Africa. Indigenous and unique to the area, there is an abundance of these cycads in the region causing the entire surroundings to become a plethora of wild flowers. It transforms the Mpumalanga Province into a spectacular ... more information

Loskop Dam Nature Reserve

The well known Loskop Dam Nature Reserve can be found deep in the Cultural Heartland of South Africa’s Mpumalanga Province. The Loskop Dam is a 27km long dam which makes it the largest dam in the Southern Hemisphere. The dam measures over 2 350 hectares and is situated within the Loskop Dam Nature ... more information